
By RobinBanneville

Unresolved Issues

2.) Bloody hell, you made me jump out of my feathers. I nearly pooped myself.
1.) Yeah. Looks like you already did.
1.) So what's goin' on..? What you lot lookin' at..?
3.) An unresolved issue.
1.) What, just the one..?
3.) Yeah. The other issues got bored and went home.
1.) So what's this issue about, then..?
3.) I'm not sure, but it's a big one and it's having difficulty taking off.
1.) It must be an old issue too, I bet.
3.) Seems like it. I doubt if it's gonna get resolved anytime soon.
2.) I've got some issues.
1.) Yeah, well keep them to yourself. There's enough issues around here, without having any more.
4.) Do I have to stand here listening to you lot talking crap..?

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