Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Traffic Congestion, Irish Style.

There I was driving along a twisty narrow road this morning, minding my own business, when all of a sudden I rounded a bend to discover this! The mobile home had been taken off a low loader and the guys were trying to get it through a narrow opening. By the tome I came on the scene they had it more or less jammed between two gates on opposite sides of the road. See that brick by the guys left hand. That is actually a hammer or at least it was being used as a hammer to belt the daylights out of something underneath the van. It was all so hilarious that I couldn't get angry with them and just waited 15 minutes until they at last got the thing into the field.
This kind of thing happens every second day here in rural Ireland and of course there is never any warning nor even a couple of flagmen.

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