Birds everywhere

The Camargue can be an odd place ornithologically. Yesterday to be frank it was disappointing, today however was one of those days with a good bird at every turn. All a matter I suspect of visiting the right place I suspect.
Unfortunately my camera battery couldn't cope with the excitement and decided to foreclose early in the day and so the stilt image will have to suffice.
That said they are an iconic bird of the Camargue and encouragingly increasingly seen and now breeding in the UK. They manage to be that funny combination of gawky and elegant all at the same time, something humans seem to fail to manage.
Other birds included Collared Pratincole and loads of Purple Gallinule (or Purple Swamp Hen as I thin they should now be called) at the side of the road followed by Squacco, Night and Purple Herons, Glossy Ibis, three species of Egret and of course Flamingoes everywhere.
A visit to Saintes Maries proved too touristic to bear and we ended up have a rustic lunch in a very local bar, all for 13 euros a head, wine included.
Heading then for home, Lidl supplies sought and safely back in the house by 6pm.

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