Deacon Blue

Tonight I was at an amazing concert - Deacon Blue playing at Edinburgh Castle Esplanade. They ran through their catalogue of old favourites and ended with a most excellent rendition of Sunshine on Leith. Speak about bringing a tear to your eye and giving you goosebumps.
The rain had not stopped all day and as I stood at my seat waiting for the gig to start, the mist came down around the castle to the point I was not sure the crowd would even see the stage. For those of you who have never been to Edinburgh Castle, it has a huge esplanade (where events such as the Edinburgh Tattoo are held) behind which, the castle stands proudly behind. Well due to the mist, we could not see the castle most of the time but in this photo, above the stage you can see the flames of 5-or so of the huge burners which top the castle wall and a vague silhouette of the castle. The mist also made lovely colours in the sky with the concert lights. What a very memorable night, I loved that.

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