Rigs at sunset

I thought I was going to be a bit stuck for a blip today although I did have a sun bathing pheasant. However after a fairly dull morning the sun came out so we went out to Cromarty. First stop the bird hide where lots of Canada geese were on the grassy banks. The tide was going out and it's surprising how far out it goes leaving a large mass of mudflats that the birds love.It's Gala week so the town is covered in bunting and busy especially with Skiffies who had taken part in a race earlier in the day. We sat and drank our coffee looking at the Sutors.
Back along to get some eggs, back down past the Brewery hoping to see the peacock that was seen at one of the houses when we were there last but no sighting.On to kirkmicheal to see if it was open. It was and although some work still to do we were very impressed. Some great information leaflets too. Outside was looking good too with restored grave stones and tombs.On one of the tombs sedum and other wildflowers have been planted to give a living room.
We went home had dinner and then became aware that HMS Queen Elizabeth might be going out. From Marine Traffic we could see lots of the tug and pilot boats around her and  we had heard rumours, plus it looked like an interesting sunset . So back we went again. However everything stopped and moved on and she's still there, maybe tomorrow.
Not disappointed though as the sky was great and interesting clouds, we did think the Haar would be covering everything as it was coming down pretty fast but it stayed away till later.

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