Modern Day Cathedrals

We pass through the Mall most weeks usually on our way home. On this occasion Susan went to Boots in search of some unguent or other meaning I was at a loose end for a while and in need of a blip. Shopping Centres can be fertile places for blips with their clean lines and random arrangements of people. One day I'll get it right. I suspect I was the object of observation by the Mall Managment, wondering what I was doing leaning against a pillar steadying the iPhone. I was asked by a passing sweeper if I was alright!

Amongst other things I purchased a couple of CDs. I'd just finished reading the book "Fairport Convention by Fairport Convention" so went in search of Leige and Leif a 1969 album which I successfully found along with a bang up to date album by Paul Heaton and Jackie Abbott, late of the Beautiful South. - a group whose light, tuneful songs are often accompanied by dark lyrics.

A wet, showery afternoon was spent in the studio completing the first coat of primer. When it finally finished raining I was able to put in footings for the step leading up to the door. Enjoyed a relaxing if sleepy evening after that!

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