
We had a lovely evening at our daughters and the granddaughters were super cute.  They ordered in Pizzas for tea and the little ones did themselves proud. Apparently they were so excited that we were coming and had to watch a DVD to calm themselves down.  When we arrived the front door was open and as I stepped inside they jumped out on us and made me jump..  Granddad was immediately taken outside to see their new tent.  The littlest one  was very  concerned about my knee and kept examining it and enquiring whether it hurt.  I told her it did but not too bad.  Her next comment was grandma are you staying for a sleepover.  I told her I was and she clapped her hands in glee.  They usually come in to see up about 6 but only the older one  came in today and informed us that her sister was in with Mummy and Daddy.  
We left about 9 o clock and got home and sat down a while  with coffee to revive.  
So not a lot done today and the weather was dire this morning but a bit brighter this afternoon.

I popped out after lunch to get these very  rained on Hydrangeas.

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