Shy Daisy

I have a few of these lovley daisies in the garden
from the Bee and Butterfly seeds I threw carefully
planted in the spring, this ones on it's last legs
but I do like them.
Busy day already done two loads o washing hung
out which I will have a sniff of when they are dry
Im a bit strange like that, I have made a quiche
for tomorrows lunch, got G'daughter and her
feller coming out, her feller is a sparky so he
will help Mr L with the lecky in the shed.
Mr L wants me to help him lay the track for
the doors today, so that will be riviting!!!!
It's sunny dry and a bit windy here and very
Autumnal...big word for me is that....:-))
Large is quite nice
Hope your all having a braw day

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