Day too (soggy around the edges)

Well, who would have thought - a second day to the Suffolk competition!  As it was, turned out very nicely again :-)

Not as many cross country flights as yesterday unfortunately, and it was very soggy for the middle part of the day, but we nearly made the coast and those that didn't had some nice boaty flights post rain.

My highest tow for a very long time at 1800' AGL, and very quickly at that.  I should have pinged off in the strong lift but again took it to the end before chasing back downwind to the dark cloud street.  I never really climbed and kept scratching around for lift.  The rain was the best, but the last bit was my downfall.  Upwind of a squall doesn't seem to work.

Nice large harvested rape field to land in, a warm welcome (along with filter coffee and choccy biccy) and a lift to the pub to await M's excellent retrieve services.  Back for an afternoon session on the winch and some tasty blackberries.

Top weekend really in the best part of the country to fly.  Well done to P for organising and all who turned out despite the miserable forecast.   More photos to come (for those on FB anyhow).

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