Hicks lodge

Had a lovely lazy Sunday morning then headed down to the yard to see my beautiful boy. We had a 15 min walk out through the village. He was so excited to be out and tried to trot a couple of times. He felt really good. But got to take it so slowly and it's probably only going to last till the steroid injection wears off. Got to start with 15 min walks and build up by 10 mins per week for next four weeks and then review.

After a late lunch we headed over to Hicks lodge. Eva was keen to ride her bike. Tobes not so keen but despite being rained on he did really well and is getting the hang of his gears now.

Eva was flying round but had three offs, two of them big ones! She went straight over the handle bars into a ditch (forgot to turn the corner, forgot she had brakes) and then collided with a bin just back at the café (again forgot to turn, forgot she had brakes). She was very brave and got back on, she was a bit bruised but otherwise ok bless her.

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