Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Young Mr. Cooper

Our two young Cooper's Hawks are still hanging around.  They were both on the back fence again this morning.  I wish they would perch close to each other so I could catch both of them!
We got up early and emptied the trailer before it got too hot.  We're about halfway through the laundry and the sleeping bag is hanging over the deck rail.  It's too big for our washing machine so we have to take it to the laundramat.  Ed took Piper for a walk and swim in the river...hoping that the moving water might get some of the lake smell off of her....but it didn't work.  Tomorrow she gets a real bath!  As much as she loves to swim she hates to have a bath so it's a two person job and all three of us get wet. :-) 

I just backblipped for yesterday and now I'm up to date on my blips again.  I will try to start catching up on your journals tomorrow.  Thanks to everyone for all your comments and stars and hearts while I've been "off the grid".

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