
I took this photo, this morning, as I sat in the kitchen doorway drinking my coffee. These are a pair of deckchairs (obvs) that the Minx bought a few weeks ago. I must admit that I had my doubts at the time but I already love them. 

For me, if I think someone has good taste, then that has to include an element of unpredictability. If you can understand someone's taste well enough to be unsurprised by the things they like, then that is, at best, consistency. I remember - God, thirty years ago - my friend Ric playing me 'The Sun Always Shines On TV', which I had already dismissed on the basis that I thought I had the measure of A-ha, proclaiming it to be a great pop song. And, actually, he was right.

Which is not to say that I like everything my friends like or even everything that the Minx likes but I reckon she had it right with these deckchairs.

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