Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Looking down the valley

I don't think I have blipped this view of the village with the Canigou mountain behind my back.  In the foreground is the thermal spa which people are referred to by the health service for treatments, also the Hôtel du Portugal and the Casino, the only major buildings spared in the great flood of 1940.  You can just make out the Anglican church on the right built in 1914 by Rudyard Kipling and some of the rich English community.  Vernet was a very popular spa destination at the time and its weather forecast was published daily in the Times of London.  It declined very soon after the first World War.  I phoned the Mairie today to organise a meeting next week to progress the proposed installation of a ring of bells in the tower.  These would become the only bells in France capable of being rung for change ringing in the English method.
I had lunch with friends before going to French conversation.  I then bought a knee support and will attempt to play some gentle badminton for the first time in months in a social competition this evening.

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