
Today's the day ...................... to fight back

We've been having lots of trouble from these bully boys in our garden this year.

They have been monopolising the bird feeders.  When a gang of them moves in, well all the little birds that we would like to see can just forget it.  They have to wait until the big black'uns have had their fill - and then they can sneak in and are allowed the dregs.  When we took part in the RSPB Great Garden Birdwatch Survey this year, that's all we were able to report - six jackdaws.  It's really not good enough.

Added to that, we realised with huge annoyance, that it was the jackdaws that had annihilated the pea crop.  They just blatantly land on the supporting canes and peck away until they are full.  I wouldn't be at all surprised if they've done the same thing to other garden produce that has mysteriously disappeared before we can harvest it.  It's really not good enough.

So tonight, while we were out in the garden sipping our apperitifs, Will came up with a cunning plan to put the wind up them.  Using a clever app on his phone, he played the call of a peregrine falcon - just about to swoop on his prey.  I watched the effect it had on some jackdaws, roosting on a nearby chimney.

And yes, well ok - we may have to resort to Plan B .........................  

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