Tiny painters

I was up very early to continue the painting of a wooden rose arch.
I was lucky to have enough space under the carport, because it was raining and had cosy 15° C, brrrr.
There are added two trellis, which are very annoying to paint. 
Lots (LOTS !!!!!) of edges and angles)
When I came back after a break for a coffee and some unfreezing, I discovered that my Hanulli painters had started to help me.
Oh, sweet tiny helpers, you are so lovely. :-D
But I suspect that the panting will need two or three years, so I took over the task and finished the first layer.
Later I wasn't in the mood to continue (still raining), so I started some work on T.s speach computer. Now nothing is finished, sigh.
The normal joy of a horrible to-do-list :-))
Although it is raining, my mood is much better. Thanks for your lovely thoughts and encouragements my dear blip mates. They are highly appreciated :-))

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