
By Frogbit

Goodbye Lundy

It's been great. I hope we see you again before too long.

A mad scamper to get packed up before the tractor collected our bags at 9. Then we emptied the fridge into a bag for a picnic later and set off to tick off a few more Letterboxes on the west side of the island. The weather was even than yesterday if that was even possible.

We were only frustrated once and had to call off our search at Earthquake where the stone looks as though seismic activity has fractured the granite into huge deep and long formations. It was in fact erosion which was responsible but it's easy to see why people thought otherwise. Son 2 was in his element, leaping energetically over the chasms in the hunt for the missing box while the rest of us had our hearts in our mouths watching him. I was glad when we finally admitted defeat and moved onto safer ground. 

We made it back to the village for a late picnic before wandering down to the beach to say our goodbyes to the island. We had a thoroughly more civilized crossing back to Ilfracombe, (sea state: slight). It was then time to say our goodbyes to BiL, SiL and O and we went our separate ways feeling absolutely knackered but very, very happy.

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