It’s been a long day!

It started early because the final half day of the TaiChi course was moved to start 45 minutes earlier and continue almost to 12:00 lunch time.  The course has been really good, reinforcing and polishing my practice of stage 1, deepening my knowledge and improving my practice of stage 2, and teaching me the basics of the final stage 3. Now I have the whole form, albeit to very different levels of practice!
So the course came to an end at midday. We said goodby to the other participants and to the lovely Ulf, our instructor, and I headed home.
The weather was fine, warm and sunny, so after a bite of lunch with Lasse and Annika they drove homeward and I was once more back on the roof. I stayed there working until 8 in the evening; hence the long day tiredness! The work up there with the main job  is nearing completion. With a bit of luck and a following wind the new roof will be in place tomorrow.  The barge boards, gutters and down pipes will still need to be fixed but that is less urgent.  You can see a picture of the roof progress in the extra.
The main picture however is of a flower, of common clover growing in the grass to be exact. With all the roof work and the TaiChi course it struck me that I had hardly blipped the garden at all and that maybe it was time to branch out a little! So today a small piece of nature in the garden…

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