
By pdebie


Today we went to Newcastle to drop off Kim on the boat. Sadly she had to go back to Holland, so now I'm all alone in Edinburgh.

Newcastle surprises me at bit in how it differs from Edinburgh. Not because it's English, but more the kind of people that are there. They seem to be sadder and angrier. Also, there are at lot of angry kids there.

I was also charged £4,50 for a cup of hot chocolate, which I find ridiculously expensive.

I was pleasantly surprised by the train journey back though. There's free wireless and power in the coaches, and they also have a food coach. All this is very different from the Netherlands, where a train is just a train -- there aren't any folks wishing you a pleasant journey. Apparently there's some sort of passport check after Berwick when crossing the border to Scotland. I was surprised about that, as I bought it was just one big country.. learning something every day :)

I'd hoped to make a picture from inside the train, but it was already too dark... I hope the days will get longer soon :)

Of course, my joy was soon squelched when I found out I had lost my wallet somewhere along the journey.. I've called all place I've been since the last time I payed something, now I just have to hope someone finds it.

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