Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Looking down.

The challenge for this week, I'm sitting on the little loft in the studio ( favorite place to nap and read) looking down at the almost pristine work table I cleaned this week( but of course there is a new project on it now. ) Also the counter in back ( got cleaned) I should have a before so you could see any difference. had to do BW ..looks a tad less messy. And of course there is Maple. You have to put up with her 4-5 more days:-). A friend came for a visit today and she almost followed him home.... but she came back shortly ( don't worry, family!).
This is so frustrating .. wifi is very iffy right now so I can't even process this on the iPad, much less the computer , so I can barely see it. :-(

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