Making Cheeroots, Inle Lake, Myanmar

Today, we visited a number of cottage industries situated right on the lake - a silk and lotus fibre weaving industry, a blacksmith, and this small place that rolls cheeroots.  I filmed several of the processes at the weaving place, but I also made one film at the blacksmith's and one film here, which I've posted on FB.  It is all very interesting and what struck us in particular was the fact that all these activities take place in the lake itself or directly on its banks, but mostly on the water.  How creative people can be!  Had it been possible to buy some of the products without increasing the weight of our luggage, we would have loved to support them.

Afterwards, we visited a pagoda temple (what's any place here without one?), and then we had lunch, also on the water.  After that, we passed by the Jumping Cat Monastery (they used to train cats but I'm not really sure what they had to jump for), and then we were propelled back to the 'mainland' and driven to our hotel, another one of those cutesy boutique corners that don't cost the earth but are very comfortable.  Hubby especially appreciated the mosquito net as the little vampires prefer him to me.  What especially pleased me about the place?  Splendid WiFi!

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