
I know we are all allowed a bit or artistic licence when telling stories on blip, but this week has ended in chaos. Kids have been off school so we have been doing the caring grandparents bit and arranging a couple of (Exciting) days out. Start of the week, worn out climbing in Snowdonia. Out of the blue yesterday, asked to host Lord Bourne of Aberystwyth and some of his team on a tour of Liverpool Cathedral. I actually enjoyed the session and am pleased to say, I think they did as well. I think its the first time in 50 years I have been slightly nervous. Week going well so far. Today we are heading for Knowley Safari park. The little one were in hysterics as we stopped in the Monkey section. Just below the little guy in the picture, you might make out the reflection of a red car. Honestly it was being stripped by a dozen monkeys, the windscreen wipers were off, 2 rubber strips running the length of the car were off and they were working on the mirrors. The occupants were doubled up laughing!!. Then they started on us, see extra for the leader of the gang, starting on our wipers. I was off like a shot, with a couple of them hanging on for dear life. You couldn't make it up if you tried, my steering packed in and we were literally crawling out in a straight line, with the car happily telling me it was a code 68 problem. Anyway we are now home and working out how to manage a very busy weekends logistics with just 1 car. We are off touring the Lake district on Tuesday. Oh well...on a quite exciting note, I have been asked to be the photographer for the National Trust entry into The Liverpool Pride Parade tomorrow. I knew retiring would be boring......have a great weekend...sorry about the lack of admin.

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