
By Frogbit


I'd gone to set up the tripod to try to capture the nestful of fledgling tits which had descended on our bird feeders. However by the time I'd found where W had hidden the big lens they'd all gone. I thought I'd carry on setting up in the hope that the fledgies would return and while I was sorting out the focus this one (though obviously not a bluetit!) conveniently posed on a nearby branch instead. 

We made falafels (again) tonight. Ever since Son 1 spotted the box of falafel mix in Lundy's tiny shop we've all become addicted. He was already smitten and it's obviously contagious. Even veg- phobic Son 2 is like a pig in muck assembling a falafel wrap complete with hummus, tahini sauce and salad. I'm not sure he realises there is absolutely no meat in it. At all.

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