Big Sky at Evie (Day 813)

After the morning wander up the hill with the woofers, and a strategic re-arrangement of the inside of the van, I zoomed off to town and spent a couple of hours doing the finishing touches on the shower room I have been working on. I am pretty pleased with it, considering it is a tiny room and done on a very small budget.
Back home, I had lunch with my beautiful wife before we headed across to Evie to give the dogs another run around.  It was pretty busy in the car park, despite the very high tide, so we opted to head away north. Talisker spent a while swimming around looking for seals. It was really lovely in the sunshine, and I couldn't resist a shot of a massive sky.
Back home, I took the bike out and had a quick ride out, I managed three personal bests - I rode two sections more quickly than I have done before, and knocked a bit off my previous best time for the whole route.

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