
By TBay

Where my ancestor stood.

Well I assume he would have done as he was the Very Reverand Thomas Tullideph Principal of St Leonard's and the man responsible for saving the then ailing university. Born in 1700 in Dunbarney , Perth he was a clever and shewd man who  was well educated and a graduate from Edinburgh University .
After this he was a merchant dealing in feathers from the Orkneys, bees wax and juniper berries as well as selling wool.  He was ordained in 1727 and was given the living at Markinch and in 1734 he was appointed as a leacturer in Divinity at St Mary's College. He was then appointed as Principal of the then troubled St Leonard's and set about changing its fortunes which he did. By 1742 he was appointed as Moderator at the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. He remained the principal until his death in 1771. Quite a man as he was also the Chaplain to King George ll . He was my 5 X great grandfather.

We visited Cupar then headed for the coast where we ambled along the A917 . Lunch was at St Monans at a smokery which was just yummy. Then on to St Andrews where this photo was taken in the grounds of St Leonard's.

Another wonderful day in Fife!

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