
By 1YearInAddis

Yod Abyssinia Restaurant

This was a cultural night out with the VSO volunteers. VSO is Volunteer Services Overseas, a British NGO. There are about 35 volunteers, from the UK, Canada, Sweden,Ireland, Holland, the Phillipines, and Ethiopia (diaspora volunteers) training with us now.

The food was excellent: injera, various stews (wats), cheeses, veggie dishes, and again kitfo, a raw meat dish. The band was energetic, and used some instruments I had never seen before. The male and female dancers displayed some repeated moves of their heads, necks and shoulders that looked like they could be quite painful, if I tried them. One of our group, Crawford (a Scot) did an outstanding number which I really should put on Itube.

The photo was taken with the Olloclip fish-eye attachment on my Iphone.

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