Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Giving me the Stink Eye

We tried to convince ourselves that "bathing" in the river got the wet dog smell off of Piper but it really didn't.  So today was the day for a real bath on the front lawn with the hose and sweet smelling shampoo and conditioner.  As predicted, her dad and I were almost as wet as she was by the time we finished.  Although she hates it, she was really a good soon as she figured out that fighting was futile.  So here she is drying in the sun on the back deck and trying to get over the trauma.  One of her favorite treats helped make up for the ordeal.  :-)

Starting yesterday I have something going on every day this week so I won't have much time for Blip.  I'll visit your journals and sprinkle stars but probably won't have time for comments.  Thanks for understanding! 

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