A buzzer from above

The bees are so happy with the lavender blooming in front of our piazza. The fragrance in the hot sun is certainly intoxicating to bees and humans alike. I was fascinated watching the activity and listening to the buzzing of both of these gorgeous species. The fur, the wings, some of Mother Nature's marvels. We must do more to protect these amazing buzzers.

The Russian Sage was popular too with this beauty.

...and then these wings.

For the Record,
This day came in warm and sunny. I never got to my blip catch up, but there is always tomorrow. Ancestry.com pulled me in today.

All hands speechless at the soap opera antics at the White House, but it's pretty scary that this is reality not a reality show. How much longer can the GOP remain spineless. How long should we give General Kelly, any bets?

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