Beefy Lorelei

By beefylorelei

Waiting to play

This is Keith.

He is The Lorelei's percussion section. A wonderful drummer and musician and friend since 1983.

We are playing in Ullapool last night and tonight as part of The Loopallu festival.

Fantastic night last night. Place was packed to point of folk being refused entry! Pretty cool for a bunch of old gits like us.

This has been a battle to get here again but we are and it's great and we have accommodation which is overlooking the campsite. Don't mind a bit of camping to be honest but this just seems better this time. We all feel we are kinda at the level we left about 1996.

So tonight we are playing The Ceilidh Place from 11.30-2am should be ace.

Anyway Jonny has just arrived from London so have to go.
Thanks for looking.

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