
By NickyH

Day 265

Ok, so I wasn't really sure what this would look like when I took it. Can you tell what it is?...

I stopped on my way home from work at a beautiful spot near Afetside to see if I could get a good landscape shot. I noticed a big group of plants (my plant and flower knowledge is pretty appalling so I have no idea what they were) that all these sugar stealers were stuck to. So, I figured there must be a shot there.

It wasn't easy as the breeze picked up as usual every time I tried to get a shot (Mother Nature, how you must dislike me), but I clicked away anyway. I thought it looked kind of weird, almost alien-like, so I thought I'd use it. And it was different to my last sugar stealer blip.

Saturday night at last! It's our wedding anniversary on Monday, so we're celebrating it tonight. The Champagne is chilling ready...

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