The Moon, Sheep and Politics

As some of you may kno we are having an election in NZ to celebrate The Boss’s birthday and todays image seemed to bring up the subject.
You probably didn’t kno that bit about the Birthday but for years his mum used to refer to him as “My little afterthought”…A strange business I thought and in spite of acyclinggranny putting her umbrella into this some time ago he has closed the subject with me…Right!
Politics is another strange business.

You have the left and the right and some other blokes without definition.
Everyone is in a party, so should be having fun all the time but seem to grump a lot and never have balloons and stuff.
This left and right stuff was, The Boss says,  all about where they sat while deliberating what to do. So I guess if you arrived late is it right that you got the only seats left.
The Boss sleeps on the left because I have to walk right around the bed to get to him in the mornings. But when I am at the bed end he would be on the right and when I get there it is the only side left….Right?
Actually by now he is in the middle of my view and chucks his left arm out to greet me as he often has his other one around The Bossess..Right!
To make matters worse if he gets out of bed The Bossess is the only one left but in discussions she seems to be often right.

She rights with her left hand.
It feels right to pick up sticks that are left.
So.... if you have left and right and you take left away you would only have right left…Right?

I think I will have a lie down now…….

Pawscript…Does a free trade agreement mean you don’t have to pay for stuff?
My grub is made in Holland…..

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