"Look, no hands!"

Thursday 3rd August 2017 (1804)

Last night I was reunited with the part of me I left in bed yesterday and thankfully "we" got up together this morning! Still tired, but at least I could function!

I had a new garden visitor this lunchtime. This chap was showing off his acrobatic technique on the bird feeder, eating the nuts. It was great fun watching him and he was there a while. 

For those of you who have followed my journal for the last three years you will know the long ongoing saga of a poorly (and very frustrating) laptop, it was obviously a Friday night version! In recent months it has become so slow I could make a cuppa while it thought about doing a simple task. Well, today I took possession of a brand new turbo charged laptop. Hopefully this is not a Friday night edition and my productivity should improve. Now I start the laborious task of installing software, setting it up and learning a new operating system! 

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