The Hive at Kew Gardens

Friend and l caught the train to Kew Gardens today to see "the Hive". This is the most amazing structure, 17 metres high, designed to highlight the life of bees. The lights throughout the inside of the structure and quite a loud hummimg noise are set off by activity in a real bee hive somewhere in Kew Gardens. A very interesting day culminating in a snack at The Maids of Honour tearooms (a tea room and bakery for the last 500 years). I must say l feel sorry for tourists to UK, what a rip off - a minimum charge of £15, my salmon tart came on a plate - not even half a tomato or a leaf to adorn it - just the slice of tart reheated in a microwave. Afterwards we caught the boat from Kew back up to Westminster, a really enjoyable journey in the afternoon sunshine. All in all a good day (we will ignore the lunch).

PS NZers, we had a coffee at a cafe before going into Kew, they were selling Anzac biscuits in packs, £5 for 5!

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