Haines Alaska

Probably put the better shots in extras. Not doing much editing so they come as they are. Miracle blip is working here in Juneau where we are this morning. Yesterday from Haines I went up the Chilkut River supposedly to see Eagles , moose and Bears . It was a hot day and apparently they head for the cool of the woods so all we saw was one eagle. . Beautiful river and we went a long way up it and you won't believe we did not have to put on life jackets. He said we have never had an accident and we are not starting today..
Last night two couples and I had dinner at the posh restaurant on the ship which you pay to go to. Their shout and it was such a nice evening getting to know them better. Well there is adventures waiting do I am off to enjoy them.
Sorry about the lack of comments but when I get to wifi always so much else to do.
Keep well my blip friends and I will connect properly in the future

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