Lorna's Little Life

By lornabowry


Today I went to the Edinburgh Uni open day. In terms of my own area of interest it was pretty useless. However it did give me a chance to snoop around and be nosy - I enjoy doing that. I sat in on a few random talks for things like Social Policy and Social Anthropology, I wandered around (and got lost and overwhelmed in) the main library which is like another universe to me (I don't do books and academic things naturally) and then I went on a tour of New College which was fascinating. It's nice to see inside such an iconic building, and one that so many of my friends have studied in, do study in or plan to study in. It was so nice I even felt like I wanted to study there. Don't worry, that thought passed fairly quickly - it's been a good few years since I thought studying theology and divinity was a good idea!

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