Red Flash

By RedFlash


I blipped the Olympic bollard for you with people gathered around it eating pasties. They probably hadn't noticed the bollard.

We have two pasty shops in Winchester, either side of a walk way through to the bollards.

They always smell great. I am not sure that they taste as good as good as they smell

But when I was walking home I passed these hollyhocks. I pass them every evening but it is getting dark then. This one is very tall so I am impressed that the camera was still able to focus on it. This is as I took it - no tinkering

Go large to see the cobwebs

The thing that made me smile:
I saw a butterfly and a damsel fly

Exercise: I cycled 9 miles, average 10pmh, maximum 26mph. Not great but I cycled up every hill without stopping, That is an improvement

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