Frank Carter

One measure of a good festival is when it throws up something completely unexpectedly good that you've never seen, nor even heard before. Wrong Fest did it  for me in Liverpool with Bo Ningen. Primavera did it with many bands, but Let's Eat Grandma were perhaps the standout although Japandroids and Shellac ran them pretty close.

Step up to the plate, then Rebellion and give us the utterly insane, batshit crazy, but amazingly talented Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes. He had the Empress Ballroom spellbound and gripped as he tore through an angry, yet at times melancholic, set of  songs, hardly pausing for breath. He ran, jumped, stared, shouted, sang and crowd surfed his way to yet another contender for gig of the year. I know - there have been a few already and it's not yet back to school time. And I've only been here one day.

There were so many other highlights, but it would be boring to write out a list of band names. You'll just have to wait for the review when I've written it. But suffice to say, on the basis of the evidence so far, Rebellion is gonna be an absolute belter.

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