
I woke up and wished we were staying another day and a night because suddenly we found our little trip was almost at an end. I say almost because we still had the long drive home to look forward to, which we punctuated with coffee in Aberystwyth and lunch at a splendid but, apart from us and the staff, deserted pub on the main road, where the food was very good. 

Later in the afternoon, we popped to David Lloyd to 'swim and gym', where the Minx does both but I only do the former. It's nice, actually; as I lose weight, the swimming is getting easier and my times over a mile are steadily improving.

And then, having done the virtuous bit, we travelled into Manchester with the miniMinx to meet Hannah for a drink at Common. This was a celebration as Hannah has both a new job and been awarded a training contract. I have hated her working at her current firm - horrible employers* - and she's had a tiring commute out to Bury. The new job is not only closer to home but sets her firmly on the path to becoming a solicitor, as the firm will pay for her LPC (and give her some additional cash to see her through while she's doing it).

Hannah is a little bit of a worrier and I know she's been losing sleep for a long time about landing a training contract and funding an LPC - they don't make it easy to become a solicitor - but tonight she was relaxed, happy, and practically glowing with relief. 

*So, one example out of many. Hannah arrives a quarter of an hour early for work, each day. One day, the tram was delayed and she was fifteen minutes late. By half nine she'd received an email asking when she was planning to make the time up. Tossers. 

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