Impulsive propulsion (Day 821)

Sometimes it is a good idea to just go with the little voice at the back of your head which is encouraging to do something you haven't done for a while.
The devil on my shoulder whispered in my ear as I drove home in the van from an early trip to Stromness. The roads were drying out after the overnight rain which had woken me far too early. I have ignored that voice for a  long time, there have always been other things to do, or I just couldn't be bothered with the re-organisation of the garage I would need to do. Today I listened. Less stuff than I thought needed to be moved out of the way, and I rolled the bike out of the garage for the first time in at least 18 months, and probably more like 2 years. Surprisingly, it started first time, and I fit into my leathers better than I did last time I wore them.
A phone call to the local bike shop confirmed that I could drop in to get and MOT test done and I was soon on my way into town. I rode really gently, but by the time I was in town I was grinning from ear to ear. The deep, throaty popping and banging the exhaust makes when the throttle is shut is an addictive sound I had almost forgotten.
Dave at the bike shop was pleased to see me, as he really likes the bike, and as expected it sailed through the test with no problems at all.
I stopped off for some motion lotion, then paid a surprise visit to my beautiful wife at her work. She seemed delighted to see me on the bike again.
The devil whispered to me again on my way home and I took a little diversion to take a couple of shots of me and Junior in the sunshine. So, you get a couple of extras today, just because.

It is good to be back.

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