Enjoying the evening sunshine

Another busy day.

P & R called in for coffee on the way home from the gym. They arrived bearing coffee and walnut cake which was enjoyed by all. P hadn't seen Amber, so had a chance to give her a thorough inspection. She passed muster :0)

R came back later with the girls to make the introductions. They were not impressed with this bouncy cheeky pup!! She is used to a large extended family of pointers, who put up with pups behaviour, so she behaved as though the girls would be happy with the familiarity. They were not and just growled at her :0(

We put the girls in the kitchen and Amber in the utility room where her cage is. They had the dog gate between them so they could all do some checking out in safety.

R and I took the girls for their normal afternoon walk, then fed them, so that they experienced their normal routine.

The plan is for P to bring the girls over tomorrow and do more intros. 

A sparrow takes the limelight today. They have started to return to the feeders now that we are back from holiday and there are many new babies making demands.

Thank you for all the comments, I will try to catch up soon. I'm trying to sort out the holiday pictures and making slow progress.

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