Sharp showers

Looks like we've found a new gardener for Doreen, which will be a great relief. Now we have to find a new cleaner, the previous one upped and left leaving us with a double headache of finding new people.

Dramatic weather today, impressive skies, thunder, heavy rain, bright sunshine. Fortunately we missed all the storms either on the way into town, whilst in town and on the way home although it was a close run thing with this beast. The main centre of this storm ran away to the north and west of us, we just got a little rain from the tail.

Enjoyed lunch in town as we'd been delayed talking to the prospective gardener as well as doing the enviable little tasks that always need doing while at Doreen's, replacing a fuse, replacing a bulb in the outside light (and breaking the screw fixing while doing so).

Spent the afternoon building a step in front of the studio, we have some granite blocks that I used to lay the front of the step so that I can fill in behind with spoil and then concrete over. That's the plan. I'd previously laid the footings so was able to get on and lay 5 granite setts this afternoon. Looks good seeing as this was my first attempt at this sort of thing.

A very enjoyable but alcohol free evening, Chick Pea Curry with rice and naan - and - guess what, runner beans.

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