
By Houseonahill6

Long-finned Pilot whales return

The Pilot Whales returned this morning and headed to the Kessock Channel and then down into the Beauly Firth. Slightly worrying as they are one of the species of cetaceans that are known to have mass strandings. It is thought that the pod follows a lead whale,the pilot which can sometimes get them into difficulties. 
They seemed quite happy though , feeding on squid which had bought them into the Firth. I saw a few breaches from a youngster, watched them logtailing and spyhopping.You could see their rounded heads, no beak and their long and pointed flippers. I wish I could see what was going on under the water.
They stayed for a long time and gradually started to leave the Firth as the tide went out.
They waited for the pod to gather together and then were more or less pushed under the bridge with the rush of the water.They swam under and then away. They have been spotted in Rosemarkie Bay and at the point and the tide is coming in so maybe they will stay especially if there is food around..
The yacht in the photo was giving the whales space and although it did go out and turn a few timesxit did nt seem to hassle the whales.The local tour boat, Dolphin Spirit, did nt go out on it's 2 o clock trip not wanting to disturb the whales.

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