
By kas18

We Did It

Swam 14k from Henley to Marlowe. Furthest distance ever. Oh boy my arms did ache. So pleased as I managed to get under 4 hours...just. 3.58.00. I would have been happy with under 4.45.00. My swim buddy Phil finished in a good time for him too. 4.48.00. He would have been pleased with 5.30.00. So both very happy with out swims.
I was in wave 2 the biggest wave. We all walked along to the pontoon and my feet were covered in duck poo by the time I entered the water. Apart from that it was a nice clean river. Weedy in parts but I enjoyed it. I feel at home in rivers and lakes. What pretty places Henley and Marlowe are. Our supporters who could walk along the towpath had a wonderful walk. A lovely day all round. Hard work though. I should have trained harder for this event. My arms are killing me tonight. I was rewarded with my medal and an oyster ice cream. I was talking about them in the week so andy treated me to one.
Nice showers to clean off after. I think I'll be signing up again next year.
I'm going to fit in a few gym sessions in the week. I need to build up my upper strength.

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