
By PhilattheBeach

Are They Here?!?

So we were at The Marshwalk this evening when I used the phone to take this photo and then put it through the Alien Hunters editing filter.

And guess what? It works! 
You can see the glowing dot of the moon rising above the condo building across the inlet.

But what else was revealed?!?

That dark disk shape in the upper right corner is quite likely a flying saucer.
And is that a shooting star in the lower left above the trees?
Ha! That's what they want you to think.
It's most probably an alien spacecraft entering our atmosphere. 

My bet is they are parking them out in the ocean because who would think to look there?

Oh, and I never saw Mullet all night.
Coincidence? Humm...

Good thing I'm on the job and to think after only two beers!  :-)

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