Well, this is a sort of........

.......Mono Monday blip! The subject was "Old" I believe. The postcard of Lowestoft is certainly quite old.

However, this morning we found that we couldn't find our household cheque book(s) & we needed to pay the Council Tax. A minor/actually major panic set in.....we looked everywhere. Went to the dentist, had a coffee, came home, had lunch & then spent another 2/3 hours going through everything!! No joy....you know....did we, perhaps it's there, are you sure etc etc.

To cut a long & rather boring story short, I sent a text to Baby Bro, blipper Hamey, bemoaning this turn of events. He recounted a story of losing his wallet, cancelling all his cards & then looking in the car a third time & finding it!!

Out we went to the car for our third look & I found them.....one old & one new one....almost immediately!!!!! So this is something old twice accompanied by something new. A much relieved me too!!

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