
By Stuart9613


Helen and I set off for Bamburgh this morning where we are stopping for a couple of nights.
Top of the M6 then we followed the A7 over to the east.A couple of stops at towns on the way over but nothing of note.The countryside was nice.
The Northumbrian coast is fantastic and one of my favourite parts of the country.
We always have a meal out at The Victoria in Bamburg.This evening the bar area needed a good clean up and standards in the restaurant had dropped dramatically.Food was good  but the cliental dressed like they had just walked off the beach.It is a nice restaurant why not make an effort and dress for the occasion.What is this dressing down crap.Just not good enough.Something that also winds me up is when the condiments are still on the table when the sweet arrives.A small thing but why not just get it right.I also do not need to be asked repeatedly if everything is alright believe me if it wasn't they would know about it.

Young The words to this song are wonderful.

Looks nice large.

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