twinned with trumpton


Up before 6, packing, loading the car with camping and walking kit; to Barry's for 7 and off we did head; up the M90 through Fife, up the A9 to Inverness ( a stop for coffee at Ralia) and then on towards Ullapool; left onto the Gairloch road at Braemore and another 6 miles or so later the road takes a sweeping right hander towards Dundonnell, we stopped the car. 

In front of us lay the 3 Fannaich Munros I needed for the set. Sgurr nan Clach Geala plus 2. I'd contemplated these hills last summer when I did their neighbours in June, but the forecast that day was rain by 11 and I ended up sprinting up Ben Wyvis on the way home instead of a longer more leisurely stroll around these ones. 

Boots donned, we headed off down the path, across the burn and squelched our way up towards the lower slopes of Meall a Chrasgaidh (translation: big squelchy lump with no redeeming features; seemingly endless but gives nice views of An Teallach behind you). The dug was off the lead - big mistake. He spotted the sheep before we did and off he sped, oblivious to Barry yelling his name. 5 minutes later he'd cornered the sheep; thankfully not done any more than bring it down; not savaged it in any way but still.... 
So we resumed the hill; slogged our way up as the view changed as the showers covered and then revealed the surround hills and lochs; but somehow the showers never really got to us...

Up onto the summit; the clag covering the final few metres; then on and down towards Sgurr Nan Clach Geala (translation - the big corrie with the path the skirts around the edge of it and when it's filled with cloud has an imposing air of menace that's probably not there on a clear day). We picked our way upwards around the pinnacles and the crags; happed in mist. The highest point of the day reached, we carried on, glum in the knowledge we weren't getting a view. 2 minutes off the top - the cloud lifted! We were afforded 2 minutes of a 360 degree view and then normal service was resumed. 
Continuing on, we got fleeting glimpses of the final hill of the day Sgurr nan Each (translation: the peak of the seductive sweeping curve; designed to have you drooling with anticipation at the majesty of it). It's a belter; a gorgeous line of ascent; a eceptively simple gradient; a wee kick up at the end and a fine view across to Loch Fannaich at the end of it. A marvellous end to the ridge, so it is. 

Job done, we then had a 3 hour trek back to the car; mercifully we didn't have to go back over everything; there's an easy exit to the glen below and a decent path back out to the car. 

7 hours after we started, we got back to the car; instantly covered in midges so we dived in and drove off in search of a campsite. 

We ended up at Loch Droma by the dam; a breezy spo to keep our biting little friends at bay; set up the tents; cooked some dinner - nothing fancy; had a stroll across the dam as the sun set; then an hour of rain so we sipped single malt in the car until the rain abated and then retired for the night. (I'd been warned about Barry's snoring...Even camping 20 yards away did not spare me...) 195 down; 87 to go.
View from Sgurr Nan Clach Geala to Sgnurr Nan Each

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