
...and move over the buttery, salty, cheesy chilli and bacon flavours and bring on the green tea popped corn.

As Chairman Kaga from the iconic and original Iron Chef series said 'If my memory serves me correctly....' according to legend green tea was discovered in 2737 BC when green tea leaves accidentally fell into the water  Chinese Emperor Shen Nung was boiling for a cuppa.

The green tinged popcorn are flavoured with matcha the finely ground powder of specially grown and processed green tea leaves and the Japanese tea ceremony revolves around the preparation, serving and drinking of matcha.
The darker, caramel coloured popcorn is flavoured with Hōjicha a green tea that is roasted in a porcelein pot over charcoal as opposed to steamed...and yes it tastes very salted caramelly.

Pop pop poppin'....perfect.

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