Stranger Things

The forecast for today wasn't very good (although not as bad as the weather at home if Facebook is anything to go by) so we decided to go back to Bordeaux and have another look around.
I was desperate to go to The Museum of Fine Art but we didn't realise until we got there that it's closed on Tuesdays. Despite cheers from the children, I was still determined to instil a bit of culture into the holiday so we headed for the only museum that was open which happened to be CAPC (Museum of Contemporary Art)
Poppy was struck by a mysterious but very debilitating illness the moment we stepped through the door which brought on a TERRIBLE headache and the inability to walk at a normal speed. Alfie had the right idea and, striding forward declared 'Come on, Poppy, the quicker we walk, the quicker we can leave'.
We walked from one odd exhibit to another including a long pathway of broken slate, a room of figures reminiscent of Bonfire Night guys wearing wellies and sitting on benches and a huge room of half human, half plant sculptures including a bunch of bananas with arms and legs. 
D may have been heard to mutter 'What a load of pretentious bollocks' at one point.
The photo speaks for itself. Weird bits of material hanging from the ceiling and illuminated messages on a light display while eerie noises were piped around the room.
We escaped and went for lunch. Poppy made a miraculous recovery and we went on to do a fair bit of shopping.
Al in all, an interesting day, but I think that's enough culture for one holiday.

Oh, and I forgot about someone letting off a stinkbomb on the tram but that's another story...

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