Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Banana Loaf

Some would only see this as waste, I see this as banana loaf.

Had a a surreal day, Tractory Factory Photos, myself and John x went to the Mosque for a curry, on the way we found some Xmas tree stumps, Tractory Factory Photos captured this for his blip.(See mine from yesterday to understand). Anyway we walked over to the Mosque with 2 stumps.

On the way back spotted on in the Grassmarket so we all had a tree stump under our arm. Queue the surreal, got in the work lift with stumps with some senior managers, the atmosphere was bizarre. Then we walked through the actuarial department, as someone described like Reservoir Dogs with stumps.

I had 8 piled under my desk at work.

Got a couple of big branches of cherry out of a skip for my woodturning pal.

Then went late shopping at Sainsbury got salmon fillets for 10p, got loads for the pensioners next door as they love salmon and it was cheap, went straight into their freezer and 50p changed hands.

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