Lali's World

By Lali

The abandoned boot and the dancing dog

I found this abandoned boot on the beach and Cassie was dancing in the background in an attempt to persuade Scott to throw the ball, haha! :)

This was Monday and I was off. The weather was still all over the place. We wanted to go to the Pittenweem arts festival, but we went to St Andrews instead. The weather was good when we got to St Andrews, so we had a picnic on the beach. However, the moment we left the beach to go into town, it started to rain. As we hadn't taken our waterproof jackets, we went into a café and waited there till the rain stopped. 

The picnic was great apart from having an annoying wasp around us. There are three creatures I don't enjoy having around while I'm having my food: wasps, seagulls and dogs, but wasps are probably the worst.

Back in Anstruther, we had a spell of sunshine, so we took Cassie out for a walk in the beach. We went to the pub afterwards and then home for some dinner and TV screen watching.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars. I hope you all had a good start of the week! :)

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